Expectations for 6-7% base rate are realistic - says Barnabás Virág
Quite a surprise...
Disinflation may continue in early 2024 too
Here are the negative risks identified by analysts for 2024
Barnabás Virág held a background briefing after the rate cut
As was expected
What a pleasant surprise - again
2024 in focus
They set out in bullet points what should be done in each area
György Surányi on the budget, growth, inflation, and policy mistakes
Intensifying fray over interest rate cuts could pose a serious credibility risk
László Parragh talks about "messed up next ten years"
There are a lot of risks present
Move in line with market expectations
As expected
How long will positive real interest rates stay with us?
Not many unclear issues left before Tuesday rate-setting meeting
Deputy Governor expects base rate under 11% by year-end
Péter Ákos Bod: What could a high-pressure economy bring?